Inspired by the protest, I wrote my local congressman (which Google and Wikipedia made extremely easy to do). Then I joined WikEM.
I created content for this page: http://www.wikem.org/wiki/Ultrasound:_Aorta. As those of you who read my blog know, I recently started compiling a free ultrasound course. I plan on updating or creating WikEM pages while I continue to create free ultrasound lessons.
A friend of mine is a banker. We had drinks the other night and he told me about a co-worker/banker who had some unique ideas on information. This banker has started to pull his money out of stocks, and started to buy up farm land. Why? Because he believes that although information is at a high premium now, it will soon become so ubiquitous and universally accessible, that monetary value will shift toward things that we actually need to survive - like food and water. This may be an extreme view on the nature of Web 2.0 and the movement for free access to information, but it speaks to the movement's real and powerful presence.
I don't know what exactly will happen, but I do know that free information is the future. And if you're not on board, you'll be left behind. Please join in making information free.
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