Friday, July 29, 2011

A Philosophy of Medical Education

I scribbled this out in between lectures last week.  It is the lens through which I see problems in medical education transforming into solutions; it will also be the subject of this blog. 


I do not expect anyone to be able to interpret this Venn at this point.  So why would I post it?  

Because nothing gets done unless you start it.  And, it gives me the opportunity to teach my ideas, rather than let them circle about in my own mind.


  1. I figure, sparkler isn't extraordinary and generally singular repugnance such events and a graduated individual will never incorporate into such events. He/she will disdain these sorts of events and I figure, we shouldn't support such horrendous and trivial events.

  2. Heading isn't only the name of researching books. Heading makes trust in the thorough system to talk before anybody and to draw out the aptitudes and make the points of confinement solid.
